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Andrea Baker



What should students expect from your class?

Students can expect an encouraging environment with a focus on alignment, intelligent sequencing, and wicked tunes.

About Me

My yoga journey began in 2005 when I fell in love with the ashtanga practice and Vancouver’s beautiful yoga community. I draw from this foundation while weaving elements of other yoga and movement styles into my teaching and my own practice.

I have divided my life between Canada’s east and west coasts … never living far from the sea. I am inspired by big blue oceans, golden sunshine, words, music that seeps into your cells, rollerskates, zombie films, coffee, chocolate, family, friends, handstands, flip-flops, roadtrips, and sweet dogs with golden eyes.

I strive to create an experience for students in which they experience both strength and freedom in their practice. My classes are dynamic, fluid, and upbeat. Students can expect an encouraging environment with a focus on alignment, intelligent sequencing, and wicked tunes.

Facebook: Andrea Baker

Twitter: AndreaBaker

Instagram: @gofasterrabbit

What should students expect from your class?

Students can expect an encouraging environment with a focus on alignment, intelligent sequencing, and wicked tunes.

About Me

My yoga journey began in 2005 when I fell in love with the ashtanga practice and Vancouver’s beautiful yoga community. I draw from this foundation while weaving elements of other yoga and movement styles into my teaching and my own practice.

I have divided my life between Canada’s east and west coasts … never living far from the sea. I am inspired by big blue oceans, golden sunshine, words, music that seeps into your cells, rollerskates, zombie films, coffee, chocolate, family, friends, handstands, flip-flops, roadtrips, and sweet dogs with golden eyes.

I strive to create an experience for students in which they experience both strength and freedom in their practice. My classes are dynamic, fluid, and upbeat. Students can expect an encouraging environment with a focus on alignment, intelligent sequencing, and wicked tunes.

Facebook: Andrea Baker

Twitter: AndreaBaker

Instagram: @gofasterrabbit